CEO Stories: Karla Mora, Alante Capital

Mora’s early career was looking at how to improve the economy and livelihood in emerging markets, working with public sector organizations. Her passion was looking at agriculture and how to provide more access to markets for small holder farmers. Her work took her across Afghanistan, where she was struck by the optimism and resiliency of the Afghan people.
An interest in moving to the private sector coincided with the idea of focusing on the fashion industry. A chance introduction to a woman who shared her interest in rethinking fashion led to a partnership, and ultimately the involvement of legendary designer Eileen Fisher, who became Alante Capital’s anchor investor. Coincidentally, Fisher was looking for an opportunity to invest in sustainable apparel, and Alante was off to a running start.
According to Mora, consumers’ taste for fast fashion helped drive the industry to overproduction and a lack of sustainable practices as companies sought to make the cheapest product possible. Alante has invested in a company that creates a biodegradable polyester, and another that can break down and recover blended fabrics—which may account for as much as 80% of clothing. Mora predicts that within 18 to 24 months, apparel companies will be showing collections where the clothes are made from post-consumer garment waste—AKA, old clothes. Other areas of interest for Alante: companies that focus on resale and reutilization of clothing.