CEO Stories: Mac Gardner and The Four Money Bears


Investing may be the most difficult idea to teach children about, but one way Gardner does it is by connecting the idea of investing to owning not just a sneaker that they could buy (i.e., spend), but that they could buy a piece of the company that makes the sneaker, and that in the future, that one piece may be worth a lot more than it is today. The ideas are presented in a way that is palatable to children but also in a way that makes them relatable for adults who are also keen to improve their financial literacy.


Gardner says FinLit Tech’s goal is to build a bridge between financial literacy and financial technology, and he’s going beyond books, creating tools, apps, games, and other materials that schools and businesses can use to help people of all ages achieve financial literacy. And Banker Box Turtle, Lender Lion, Omnibus Owl, and Crypto Cat will be some of the characters joining the Four Money Bears and Mac himself on the journey.

Patricia O'Connell

Patricia O’Connell is managing editor of “This Is Capitalism” and one of the hosts of our podcast. A former journalist, Patricia is a published author, writing about a variety of business topics, including strategy, family business, management and leadership, and customer experience.


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